A Comparative study of Chinese and English Poetry

T: Prose and Poetry

Prose and Poetry

如何區分散文與新詩 How do I distinguish between Prose and Poetry

何謂散文? What is prose?

所謂「散文」,指的是非韻文的「散行文體」,不需用韻、對仗,沒有字數格式限制,相較於詩、小說而言,散文相對的具有形式上的自由與揮灑的空間,題材亦多樣化。 The so-called "prose" refers to a non-verse of the "break-line style", without using rhyme, parallelism, there is no format restrictions on words, compared to poetry, novels, the prose has the form of relative freedom and sway space The theme is diversity.

散文通常具有邏輯性、因果性,並以線性思考的方式寫作,用詞也較為白話,類型大抵可分為小品、記述、寓言、抒情、議論、說理、雜文等七種。 Prose is usually logical, causal, linear ways of thinking and writing is also more vernacular terms, the type can be divided into comedy, account, fable, lyrical, arguments, reasoning, and so on seven kinds of essays.

範例: Example:

《晨》 "Morning"
作者:沃爾。 Author: Waldo. 菲提拜斯菲提bais

我喜歡凌晨,這是個好時間。 I like early morning, this is a good time.
從午夜十二點到凌晨六點,我想都可以稱作凌晨;在這黑夜的國度,沒有人、沒有外界的喧囂、沒有電話煩人、沒有雜務處理,凌晨是個好時段。 From midnight to 6:00, I think can be called the morning; in this land of darkness, no one, no outside noise, no telephone annoying, no chores treatment, early morning is a good time.
窩在自己六坪大的世界裡,可以做自己愛做的事,看漫畫、看小說、聽音樂、睡覺、寫小說,在這裡,我無所不能;儘管我不能瘋狂的把音樂開到震耳欲聾的境地、對著月色引聲長嘯,但是我不需要,我根本就不需要做到那種地步。 Nest in his six-square-meter of the world, you can do what love to do, watching cartoons, reading novels, listening to music, sleeping, writing here, I omnipotent; though I am not crazy of music open to the deafening position, facing the sound Chosho cited moonlight, but I do not need, I do not need to do that stage.
享樂,何庸妨礙他人? Pleasure, He Yong hinder others?

何謂新詩: What is poetry:

所謂「詩」,應是作者心靈的一種映現,透過象徵、比喻等文辭技巧,使其內容含蓄而能給予讀者更多想像空間。 The so-called "Poetry" should be the author of a mind mapping is, through symbol, metaphor and other diction skills, so that the contents of subtle and can give readers more room for imagination.

詩的文法往往是跳躍性的,並且重視凝鍊、壓縮,文字須力求精鍊,避免贅言。 Grammar of poetry is often jumping in nature, with emphasis on coagulation chain, compression, should strive to refine the text and avoid superfluous. 而新詩寫作,沒有字數多寡、句數長短之限制,用韻對仗自由。 The poetry writing, there is no amount of words, sentence length of the number of restrictions on freedom of parallelism with the rhyme. 格式重視斷句與分行,且大都有根據、有理由。 Format attention to punctuate and branches, and large are all based on reason. 如:為了押韻、增進節奏感和視覺效果等。 Such as: In order to rhyme, enhance a sense of rhythm and visual effects.

範例: Example:

《野貓》 "Wildcat"
作者:渚小迪 Author: Che Xiao Di

在 那球體中周旋出淺綠色的世界
在你眼瞳 的清淺裡我看見上世紀殘存的華麗
舔 舐,舔舐,舔舐

In that deal out of a light green sphere in the world
of vague shapes and protruding air-conditioners obscure alleys of the Founder of individual describes his beard shook like a pendulum on top
vibrate like the empty boasts of the afternoon
from a fleeting sense of loss I calculate you my Shaohua
in You Yan Tong's shallow where I saw the remnants of the last century,
between trance gorgeous Way back then they heard the hymns, however,
the mouth of the peace has ceased to exist
under the battle is that you beat the fish mouth
beating the last vestiges of life, breath
and you are just lazy to stretch a tongue
licking, licking, licking
the last of all the action into a static incense
and you do not forget to play a burp

最簡單的分辨方式是 The easiest way to distinguish

「散文格式就像作文一樣,而新詩格式是一句一句分開,並可單獨成為一個意思。」 "Prose is like writing the same format, while the poetry format is a one separately, and can stand alone as a means."

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