A Comparative study of Chinese and English Poetry

T:Classical Chinese Poetry

Classical Chinese Poetry

中國古代詩歌,一般稱作舊詩,是指用文言文和傳統格律創作的詩,廣義的中國古代詩歌,可以包括各種中國古代的韻文如賦、詞、曲等,狹義則僅包括古體詩和近體詩。 Ancient Chinese poetry, commonly known as old-style poetry, refers to classical Chinese and traditional metrical poems of ancient Chinese poetry broad and can include a variety of ancient Chinese verse, such as Fu, words, music and so on, only the narrow sense, including the ancient poetry and about poetry.

早期的詩 Early Poems

人類許多民族在語言的發展中產生了適合本民族語言的詩歌形式。 Many ethnic groups in the language of human development, produced for the national language of the poetic form. 在中國,最早的詩歌總集是《詩經》,其中最早的詩作於西周初期,最晚的作品成於春秋時期中葉。 In China, the first general collection of poetry is "The Book of Songs", which the earliest poems in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, the latest work completed by the middle of Spring and Autumn period.

到了戰國時期,在南方的楚國華夏族和百越族語言逐漸融合,其詩歌集《楚辭》突破了《詩經》的一些形式限制,更能體現南方語言的特點。 To the Warring States period, Huaxia of Chu in the south and the gradual integration Baiyue ethnic language, their poetry collection "Songs of the South" has broken the "Book of Songs" some form of restrictions, to better reflect the characteristics of the southern languages.

漢代的古體詩 Han Dynasty of ancient poetry

漢代時樂府詩形成。 When the formation of the Han Dynasty Poem. 樂府詩是為了配音樂演唱的,相當於現在的歌詞。 Yuefu poetry with music in order to concerts, the equivalent of today's lyrics. 這種樂府詩稱為「曲」、「辭」、「歌」、「行」等。 This verse poem called "Song", "speech," "Song," "OK" and so on. 三國時期以建安文學為代表的詩歌作品吸收了樂府詩的營養,為後來的格律更嚴謹的近體詩奠定了基礎。 Three Kingdoms period to Jian'an literature poetry represented Yuefu absorbed nutrition, more stringent for the later metrical poetry near the foundation.

唐宋的近體詩 Near the Tang and Song poetry

到了唐代,中國詩歌出現了四句的絕句和八句的律詩。 By the Tang Dynasty, Chinese poetry appeared in four of the quatrains, and 8 of the Poems. 律詩押平聲韻,每句的平仄、對仗都有規定。 Poems charge level phonology, each sentence of the Pingze, parallelism are provided. 絕句的規定稍微松一些。 Jueju slightly less stringent requirements.

另外,在宋代達到頂峰的詞也是詩歌的一種重要形式。 In addition, the word reached a peak in the Song Dynasty is an important form of poetry. 詞的格式要依從一些固定的詞牌,以便於配以樂曲演唱。 The format should follow the word of some fixed Cipai in order to facilitate accompanied by music concerts.

後期發展 The latter part of the development of

自元代開始,中國詩歌的黃金時期逐漸過去,文學創作逐漸轉移到戲曲、小說等其他形式。 Since the Yuan Dynasty began the golden age of Chinese poetry gradually the past, literature gradually shifted to the drama, novels and other forms.

各體裁簡介 About the genre

詩經與楚辭 The Book of Songs and Songs of the South

《詩經》與《楚辭》是中國最早的兩部詩歌集,創作時期都在先秦,之後成集,對後世產生了深遠的影響,故也有詩經體與楚辭體(騷體)的說法。 "Book of Songs" and "Songs of the South" are two of China's earliest collection of poetry, creative periods in the pre-Qin period, followed into the set, on the future generations had a profound influence, it also has the Book of Songs and Songs of the South body body (Sao) in argument.

相比之下,詩經相對遵守形體規範,而楚辭則較少拘束,從手法上來說,詩經偏於情景交映、婉轉表達、比喻描寫等,而楚辭的想象力相對更加豐富,思想自由,常常直接抒發強烈的感情。 In contrast, the relative compliance with the Book of Songs physical specification, but of Chu are less bound, from the way speaking, the Book of Songs and indulge in cross-mapping scenarios, tactfully express description of such an analogy, but of Chu's imagination relatively more abundant, freedom of thought, often directly to express strong feelings. 《詩經》的作者基本都已不可考,按照配樂的內容被分為風、雅、頌三種類型,其常見的創作手法又有賦、比、興三種。 "Book of Songs" are not the author of the basic test, according to the content of music is divided into the wind, ya, Chung three types, and their common creative approach have Fu, Belgium, Xing three kinds. 《楚辭》中的著名作者則有屈原和宋玉。 "Songs of the South" in the well-known authors, there Qu Yuan and Song Yu.

《詩經》的代表作是國風一類,而《楚辭》的代表作則是《離騷》,所以後世常用「風騷」指代所有的詩歌。 "Book of Songs" is the MAK, a class representative, and "Songs of the South," the masterpiece is "Li Sao", so often later "flair" to refer to all of the poetry.

樂府詩 Yuefu

樂府詩盛行於漢朝,歷經三國兩晉,到南北朝時仍然有相當大的發展。 Yuefu poetry popular in the Han Dynasty, after Sanguoliangjin to the Northern and Southern Dynasties still a significant development. 樂府的特點是配樂,所以現在留存下來樂府詩其實都是原來的歌詞,其體例更多是根據樂曲的需要。 Yuefu is characterized by music, so now preserved verse poems are actually the original lyrics, their musical style is based on the need for more. 較著名的樂府詩有《木蘭辭》、《孔雀東南飛》、《陌上桑》、《上邪》等。 The more well-known verse poem of "Mulan," "Peacock Flying Southeast", "Mo Shang Sang" and "evil" and so on. 直到唐朝以後,仍然有相當多的詩人以樂府曲名創作,如李白的《關山月》、王昌齡的《塞上曲》等。 Until the T'ang dynasty, there is still a considerable number of poets writing verse song title, such as Li Bai's "Guan Shanyue," Wang Changling's "Song of the Frontier" and so on.

但是隨着樂曲古譜的逐漸散失,古樂府逐漸失去了影響力,不過以歌配詞的做法仍然廣泛流傳,成為了之後的詞。 But with the gradual dissipation of Ancient Music Scores music, ancient verse gradually lost its influence, but in order to song with the word practice is still widespread, becoming after the word. 由於樂府的影響力,後代也有將詞稱為樂府的情況,比如蘇軾的著名詞集就稱為《東坡樂府》。 As Yuefu influence future generations there will be known as the Folk Songs and Ballads of the word, such as Su Shi's famous set of words is called "Dongpo Yuefu."

古體詩 Ancient poetry

古體詩原指唐朝以前不配樂的詩,與近體詩相對,加上樂府詩三者成為狹義上的中國古詩中的三大類別。 Ancient poetry originally referred to the Tang Dynasty poems not previously soundtrack, with the relatively recent body of poetry, plus a narrow sense, the three verse poems of Chinese ancient poetry of the three categories. 近體詩成形以後,仍然有相當多的詩人喜歡使用古體創作,這些詩作也被稱為古體詩或古風,與遵守格律的近體詩相區別。 After forming in recent poetry, there is still a considerable number of poets prefer to use the ancient body of writing, these poems also known as the ancient poetry or archaic, and to comply with metrical poetry of the past to distinguish.

近體詩 Recent poetry

近體詩是南北朝時期出現、至唐朝而成熟的詩體,其特點是講究格律,即規範詩作包括字數、平仄、用韻、對仗的四方面因素。 Northern and Southern Dynasties in recent poetry is there, to the Tang Dynasty and mature poetic style, characterized by metrical stress, that regulate poems, including words, Ping Ze, using rhyme, parallelism of the four factors. 近體詩只允許五種類型,即五絕、七絕、五律、七律和排律。 Recent poetry allows only five types, namely, five extinction, Seven-, Wu Lv, Qi Lv, and Pailv.


詞的出現與樂府息息相關,隨着後者樂曲的逐漸散失,詞逐漸成為配樂的詩體的主流,取代了樂府。 The emergence of the word is closely related with the verse, with which the music gradually lost, the word has gradually become the mainstream music of the verse, replacing the popular verse. 兩者間的區別首先是樂府遠早於詞;其次是樂府曲名、詞牌名的不同;再次則是早期很多詞牌的出現是為了配合原有的詩作,與樂府先有曲後有文字相反。 The first is the distinction between verse long before the word; followed by the verse Names, Cipai names are different; again, is the early emergence of many Cipai is in line with the original poems, songs and verse first, after writing the opposite. 兩者的共同點在於都是為了配樂而作,所以必須符合選定樂曲的格式、特點,作者並不能隨意更改、創作新的樂府或詞牌。 In common is that both are aimed at making music but, it must conform to the format of the selected music, features, the author can not be arbitrarily changed, creating a new verse or Cipai.


賦上承《楚辭》,最盛行於漢朝。 Cheng Fu's "Songs of the South", the most prevalent in the Han Dynasty. 它與詩、詞最大的區別是不講究簡練,也沒有字數、長短等的限制。 With poetry, words do not pay attention to the biggest difference is concise, and no words, length and other restrictions. 賦詞藻華麗,描寫奢華,對於作者和讀者的文學修養要求極高,而且賦仍然非常講究用韻的細節,到唐朝甚至短暫出現過所謂的律賦。 Fu rhetoric, describing the luxury, for authors and readers of literary accomplishment is highly demanding, but also endowed with the rhyme is still very particular about the details of the Tang Dynasty, and even briefly appeared the so-called enabling law. 正是由於其強調格式形式,與駢文一樣,到了唐宋時期被古文運動所反對,逐漸失去了影響力。 Precisely because of its emphasis on format, forms, and parallel prose, as to the Tang and Song dynasties have been opposed by a literary movement gradually lost its influence. 也有一部分賦吸取了散文的特點,被稱為文賦,雖然仍然有用韻、對仗等古賦、俳賦的手法,但是格式相對寬鬆,對於作者的限制較少。 There are also conferred the characteristics of learned essays, known as the Wen Fu, while still useful to rhyme, parallelism and other ancient Fu, Fu haiku way, but the format is relatively easy, for the author's less restrictive.

駢文 Pianwen

駢文是另一種韻文的體裁,初期主要強調對偶,到了南北朝吸收了漢賦的特點,更開始注重用韻,體例越來越拘束,常常成為只有表面錦繡而無實質內容的作品。 Parallel Prose is another verse of the genre, the initial main emphasis on the dual, to the Northern and Southern Dynasties absorbed the Han Fu characteristics, but also begun to focus on using rhyme, style more and more binding, and often become the only beautiful but not in substance the contents of the surface works. 到了古文運動之後,逐漸失去影響力。 To a literary campaign, gradually lost influence.


元曲是古代詩歌中最晚出現的形態,雖然其中仍然有用韻等成分,並且配樂,但是其中元雜劇的成就更加遠遠超過了散曲,實際上已經向敘述獨立的故事等實際作用發展,逐漸脫離了韻文的範疇。 Yuan Dynasty of ancient poetry appeared in the latest shape, although still useful in rhyme and other ingredients, and the soundtrack, but one of the achievements of Yuan Drama more far exceeded Sanqu has actually been described in a separate story to the actual effect of such development, the gradual verse out of context. 元曲對明清的小說和各流派的民間藝術、戲曲等都產生了深遠的影響。 Yuan Dynasty to the Ming and Qing fiction and the genre of folk art, opera and so has had a profound impact.

漢語古詩在周邊國家的影響 Chinese ancient poetry in neighboring countries affect the

漢詩,字面上的意思是漢語的詩歌。 Poetry, literally means in Chinese poetry. 但這個概念主要是在漢語世界之外使用。 However, this concept is mainly used outside the world in Chinese. 中國的一些周邊國家,如朝鮮、日本、越南,因為使用漢字作為書寫文字,自然也深受漢語詩歌的影響。 Some of China's neighboring countries such as Korea, Japan, Vietnam, since the use of Chinese as the written word, naturally, deeply influence of Chinese poetry. 隨着佛教禪宗在這些國家的流傳,漢詩成了禪宗文學的最重要的形式。 Zen Buddhism in these countries with the spread of Zen literature, Chinese poetry became the most important form.

日本 Japan

在日本,從奈良時代開始,文人因為受中國文化的影響而開始仿照漢語的詩的形式來創作日本詩歌。 In Japan, from the Nara era, Chinese scholars since the influence by Chinese culture began along the lines of a poem in the form of Chinese writing Japanese poetry. 日本漢詩和日本本土的和歌、俳句最明顯的區別是漢詩一首有四句(絕句)或八句(律詩),每句通常五言或七言,而和歌、俳句則有五、七、五或五、七、五、七、七等多種長短句,更像漢語的詞。 Japanese Poetry and the Japanese mainland and songs, Haiku most obvious difference is that the Han poem has four (quatrains) or 8 (Poems), each sentence is usually Cource or seven-character, while, and songs, haiku, there were five, seven, five or five, seven, five, seven, and seven multi-Chang Duanju, more like a Chinese word.

751年,日本最早的漢詩《懷風藻》出版。 751 years, Japan's first Chinese Poetry, "Huai-Feng algae" Publication. 之後在平安時代達到全盛期,凌雲集、文華秀麗集、經國集等敕傳漢詩集持續出現,風行之盛被人稱作「國風黑暗期」。 After the Heian era to the heyday of the clouds set, Wen-hua beautiful sets, such as Chik Ching-Kuo Chuan Han Dynasty poetry collection continued to appear, popularity of-sheng has been called the "National Wind dark period." 其後鎌倉時代、室町時代日本的漢詩得到持續的發展,譬如一休宗純的《狂雲集》中收錄了一休的很多漢詩。 Subsequently the Kamakura period, Muromachi period of Japan's sustained development of Chinese poems, such as a closed case of pure "mad gather" and contains a lot of Chinese poetry break. 江戶時代漢詩的發展達到高峰。 Reached a peak during the Edo period the development of Chinese Poetry. 明治維新時期的受過教育的日本人幾乎人人都會作或好或壞的漢詩。 Meiji Japanese educated almost everyone will be good or bad Chinese poetry. 明治維新之後日本漢詩的影響開始衰落,迅速衰落則為昭和時期。 Poetry in Japan after the Meiji Restoration, the impact began to decline, compared with the rapid decline of the Showa era. 不過今日初中程度以上的古文教育仍然包含漢詩、漢文的背誦、解釋、以及創作等。 But today, more than junior secondary level education is still with classical Chinese poetry, Chinese language memorization of facts, interpretation, and creation. 為中國之外漢詩文化最為發達的地區。 Poetry for the Chinese culture outside of the most developed areas.

參見:和歌、俳句 See also: and song, haiku

朝鮮 Korea

高麗朝時期,漢詩在高麗逐漸普及。 Korea-North Korea time, the increasing popularity of Chinese Poetry in Korea. 高麗詩人如崔沖(985年-1068年)、李奎報(1169年-1241年,號白雲居士)、鄭道傳(?-1398年)等都有大量漢詩流傳下來。 Korea poets such as Choe Chong (985 -1,068), the Yi Kyu-bo (1169 -1241, the number Baiyun lay), Zheng Tao Chuan (? -1398 Years) and others have handed down a large number of Chinese Poetry. 除此之外,高麗文人還把古老的朝鮮語民歌用漢字紀錄下來,形成一種新的詩歌形式,後人稱之為「別曲體」,又稱為「景幾體歌」,大體上採用了334的格式。 In addition, the ancient Korean Koryo literati also a record of folk songs, Chinese characters, forming a new poetic form, later generations called "Do not Qu body", also known as "King of several body Song," generally used 334 format. 譬如著名的朝鮮民謠《阿里郎》,或電視連續劇《大長今》的古風片頭曲《呼喚》。 For example, well-known Korean folk song "Arirang", or TV series "Dae Jang Geum" in antiquity Opening theme, "Calling."

高麗朝中期開始,具有朝鮮語特點的時調得以發展,並在朝鮮王朝‎時期達到頂峰。 Korea since the mid-North Korea, with Korean characteristics, when transferred to develop, and the peak period of the Joseon Dynasty. 時調是朝鮮的俚語民歌,但由於是漢詩詩人整理記錄,而且漢詩詩人創作了很多時調,時調在發展中自然地融入了漢詩的因素。 When the Korean slang folk tune, but as a poet of Chinese Poetry-documented, but a lot of Chinese Poetry poets, when transferred, when emphasis on the development of a natural integration of Chinese Poetry factors. 詩人申欽(1566年-1628年)在《放翁詩餘序》中說:中國的歌極具風雅,可載籍流傳,而我國所謂的歌卻只能用於賓筵娛樂,不能豐我載籍。 Poet Shen Qin (1566 -1628 years) in the "Fang Weng Shi Yu Xu", said: China's song very elegance and can carry membership spread, and our songs are only for the so-called bin banquet entertainment, I can not be contained Feng Ji.

越南 Vietnam

越南作為中國的一個郡縣(交趾)時漢字即作為官方文字。 Viet Nam, as one of China's counties (Cochin), the Chinese characters that, as an official language. 中國五代十國時越南從南漢的治下獨立,但官方文告和科舉考試仍通用漢文,一般著作也以漢文撰寫。 China's Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, when the Han from southern Vietnam under the rule of independence, but official announcements and common Chinese language examinations are still generally works also written Chinese language. 是以作為漢文文化的一種重要形式,漢詩在越南也得到發展。 As culture is an important form of Chinese language, Chinese Poetry in Vietnam also be developed. 陳朝末年,著名的漢詩作家有陳藝宗、胡季犛等人。 CHEN Zhao Dynasty, the famous Chinese Poetry writers were Chen Yi, Hu Ji Yak and others. 後黎朝時,尤其是黎聖宗(名灝、思誠)時,漢詩達巔峰狀態。 Lê Dynasty, especially when Li le thanh ton (name Hao, Cheng Si), the Chinese poetry reached its culmination.

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