A Comparative study of Chinese and English Poetry




Modern Chinese Poetry Doctrine & Schools
Ten modern poetry types

* Realism
* Aestheticism
* Symbolism
* Neo-Romanticism
* Imagism
* Futurism
* Expressionism
* Surrealism
* Post-modernism
* Specific Doctrine

Schools of Modern Chinese Poetry

* The early 20th century to the 1920s: attempts to send, Literature Research Association (life group), the Creation Society (early Romanticism), Lake School of Poetry, the new metrical Poetry (Crescent Moon), a symbol of China's Early Poetry
* 1930: The Chinese modernist poetry group in July to send, Han Park, three poets
* 1940: Chinese poetry genres, Nine-leaf Poets
* 1950: China's realism, the new modernist poetry group (group of modernist poetry), Blue Star poetry group (Blue Star Poetry Society), Genesis Poets (Genesis Poetry Society)
* 1970's: hazy camp (today faction), Baiyangdian poetry group, China's new realism
* 1980: New Frontier Fortress faction, students Poetry, third-generation Poetry Group (the new generation poetry group, the new generation), bounder doctrine holism, marine Poetry, Poetry Yuanmingyuan, fractious factions, their poetry group, Ugly Stone poetry group, Africa and Africa doctrine (red writing), God of writing, the new local Poetry, intellectuals, writing poetry group
* 1990: Internet Poetry (network poet), folk writing, writing the third way, in the middle generation, information doctrine, 70, after the poet
* The early 21st century: lower body writing, absurd doctrine, spiritual poetry, the new Jiangxi Poetry, refuse to send, 80, after the poet

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