Auditory Imagery 聽覺意象 The use of words or sequence of words that refers to a sound to create an image.使用文字或順序的詞是指創造一個良好的形象。
Bacchius Bacchius Two long syllables preceded by a short syllable in a metric foot; mostly used in ancient poetry.兩條長長的音節之前,在短音節度量腳,主要用於古代詩歌。
| Ballad 歌謠 A short narrative poem that usually represents a romantic theme, is imperonsally treated, or characterized by the simplicity of language.簡短的敘事詩,通常是一個浪漫的主題是imperonsally處理,或特點是簡單的語言。
| Ballad Meter 歌謠儀 Alternating lines of iambic tetrameter and iambic trimeter, with the last words of the second and fourth lines rhyming.交替線抑揚格四音步抑揚格三音步和,最後一句與第二和第四行押韻。
| Ballad Stanza 歌謠節 Four lines rhymed abcd , with 8, 6, 8, 6, syllables respectfully.四行押韻abcd,8,6,8,6,音節尊敬。
| Ballad-Broadside 歌謠,寬邊 In the late 16th and early 17th century historical or current events were written in a ballad in doggerel on a single piece of paper and included the name of a tune to which they were to be sung.在16世紀末和17世紀初的歷史或當前事件寫一首打油詩歌謠就在一塊紙,包括名稱的調整它們將被唱。 These ballads sometimes conveyed moral or religious ideas or propaganda and were sold for a penny or two on street corners in England.這些民謠有時轉達道德或宗教思想或宣傳,成交價為1美分或2月在英國街頭。
| Ballads-Child 歌謠,兒童 Ballads contained in Francis J. Child's work, The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, ( 1882-1898 ).歌謠載於弗朗西斯兒童氏工作,英國和蘇格蘭民謠,(1882年至1898年)。 Authentic creations of illiterate or semiliterate people whom preserved the ballads orally.正宗創作的文盲或半文盲的人來說,保留了口頭歌謠。
| Ballad-Folk 民謠,民謠 A folk ballad is usually composed to be sung and was often altered as it was repeated from generation to generation.阿民間歌謠通常組成的會唱,經常改變,因為它重複世代相傳。
| Ballade 敘事曲 1. 1。 A poem composed of three stanzas and an envoy.一首詩由三個段落中的一名特使。 The last line of the opening stanza is used as a refrain.最後一行開幕節用作避免。 The same rhymes, strictly limited in number, reoccur throughout the ballade.同樣的童謠,嚴格限制人數,重演整個敘事曲。
2. 2。 A fixed form with three; seven or eight-line stanzas, with no more than three recurrent rhymes.固定形式有三個;七,八行詩節,以不超過三個經常押韻。 An identical refrain follows each stanza and a closing envoi repeats the rhymes of the last four lines of the stanza.不遵循相同的每節和閉幕envoi重複押韻的最後四行的節。 Often used in French poetry.常用於法國詩歌。
| Ballade-Double 敘事曲,雙 Six octaves, or ten-line stanzas, built on three and four rhymes respectively with refrain, but rarely the envoy. 6個八度,或10行詩節,建於三,四分別不押韻,但很少的特使。
| Bard 巴德 A person whose gifts and long training fitted him to compose and recite poems.一個人的禮物和長期培訓,安裝他撰寫和朗誦詩歌。
| Blank Verse 空白詩 Simply defined as unryhmed verse or unrhymed iambic pentameter.簡單地定義為unryhmed詩或無韻五音步抑揚格。
| Bouts-Rimes 較量-姆絲 A game in which on of the players offers a set of rhyme-words to the other players.遊戲中的球員提供了一套韻,詞到了其他球員。 The players would then compete in producing an acceptable poem built on the given rhymes using them in their original order.隊員們在生產後才能接受詩建立在給定的韻腳使用他們原來的順序。 . 。
| Bucolic 牧歌 A poem dealing with a pastoral一首詩處理的是一個田園 subject.題目。
| Burden 負擔 Often repeated in the refrain, it is the central topic or idea.經常反复強調的不要,這是中心議題或想法。
| Burlesque 滑稽戲 The exaggeration, sometimes grotesquely, of a minor subject intended to ridicule.誇張,有時荒唐,輕微的主題意在嘲笑。
Cacophony 雜音 Often purposely used in poetry for effect, discordant sounds in the jarring juxtaposition of harsh letters or syllables.經常會故意用詩歌的影響,不協調的聲音在刺耳並列嚴厲字母或音節。
| Cadence 節奏 Rhythmical unit often used as a synonym for rhythm or metre.有節奏的單位通常被用作同義詞節奏或米。 See Free Verse.見新詩。
| Caesura, Cesura 停頓,切蘇拉 A pause in the reading of a line that does not affect the metrical account of the timing.阿暫停在讀的路線,不影響韻律考慮的時間。 It may be dictated by grammer, logic, or cadence, and is analogous to the pause for breath at the close of a musical phrase.這可能是受制於語法,邏輯,或抑揚頓挫,是類似於呼吸暫停在接近一個樂句。 Cesura is masculine after a stressed syllable, and feminine after an unstressed syllable.切蘇拉是男性後強調音節,和女性的非重讀音節後。
| Canon 佳能 In a literary sense, the authoritative works of a particular writer.在文學意義上說,引經據典某作家。 It is an accepted list of works perceived to represent a cultural, ideological, historical, or biblical grouping.這是公認的清單工程被認為代表了文化,意識形態,歷史或聖經分組。
| Canso 坎索 Often restricted to a Provençal love song of 5, 6, or 7 stanzas, the envoy, but is not always equal in length.通常僅限於普羅旺斯情歌5,6,或7敘述的特使,但並不總是相等的長度。 The canso contains both masculine and feminine rhymes.該坎索包含男性和女性押韻。
| Canto 坎托 A major division in a long poem.一個主要部門的長詩。 References made to The Cantos refers to the untitled poem by Ezra Pound.參考作出的詩章是指無詩的龐德。
| Canzone Canzone A general term for the words of a Provençal or Italian love song often relating to the praise of beauty.一般用語的字的一普羅旺斯或意大利情歌常常與美的讚揚。 See Troubadour.見游吟詩人。
| Carpe Diem 權宜之計 Latin for "seize the day," a common motif in lyric verse throughout the history of poetry, with the emphasis on making the most of current pleasures because life is short and time is flying.拉丁語為“抓住每一天,”一個共同的主題,在整個抒情詩詩的歷史,與重點放在最充分地利用當前的樂趣,因為生命是短暫的飛行時間。
| Catachresis Catachresis The misuse or abuse of words, or the use of the wrong word for the context, as a tone for repent.誤用或濫用的話,或使用了錯誤的單詞的背景下,作為一個音調的懺悔。
| Catalectic, Catalexis Catalectic,Catalexis A line from which unstressed syllables have been dropped is said to be truncated or catalectic.甲線從中非重讀音節已下降被認為是截斷或catalectic。 The act is called truncation or catalexis.該法案被稱為截斷或catalexis。 Such lines這種線
| Catalog Verse 目錄詩 A poem comprised of a list of persons, places, things, or abstract ideas which share a common denominator.一首詩組成的名單的人,地,事,或抽象意念,有著共同點。 As an ancient form, it was originally a type of didactic poetry.作為一個古老的形式,它最初是一個類型的說教詩。
| Cataphora 後照應 The use of a grammatical substitute, like a pronoun, which has the same reference as the next word or phrase.使用的語法替代品,像一個代名詞,它具有相同的參考作為下一個詞或短語。
| Cento 琴托 A poem made up of lines from many different poems.一首詩行組成的來自許多不同的詩歌。 Often such a poem is called a patchwork poem.通常這樣一首詩被稱為拼湊一首詩。
| Chain Rhyme 連鎖韻 A rhyme scheme in which a rhyme in a line of one stanza is used as a link to a rhyme in the next stanza.阿韻方法,而此行中的韻一節是作為一個鏈接到韻在下節。
| Chain Verse 連鎖詩 Similar to chain rhyme, but links words, phrases, or lines (instead of rhyme) by repeating them in succeeding stanzas.類似的連鎖押韻,但鏈接單詞,短語,或行(而不是韻)重複他們在以後的敘述。
| Chanson De Geste 三兄弟之歌 A song of heroic deeds that refers to a class of Old French epic poems of the Middle Ages.一首歌的英雄事蹟,是指一個類的舊法國史詩中世紀。
| Chant Royal 皇家聖歌 It alters the ballade structure using five stanzas, each of 11 lines and a five line envoy with the customary refrain.它改變了敘事結構的使用五敘述,每11線和5線特使與習慣避免。 The rhyme scheme is ababccddede , and the envoy ddede .該計劃ababccddede韻,和特使ddede。
| Chapbook Chapbook A small book or pamphlet containing ballads, poems, popular tales or tracts, etc.一本小書或單張,曲藝,詩歌,民間故事或小冊子等
| Chiasmus 交錯法 The inversion in a phrase or clause of the order of words in the preceding phrase or clause.反演在一個短語或命令條中的單詞前面的短語或條款。
| Choree, Choreus Choree,Choreus A rare form of trochee.一種罕見的形式長短格。
| Choriambics Choriambics A metre beginning with a trochee and ending with an iamb, with each of the three remaining feet containing a trochee and an iamb.甲米的揚抑格開始和結束與監委,與每個剩下的三個腳載有長短格和監委。
| Cinquain 五行詩 Adelaide Crapsey invented this form that consists of five lines.阿德萊德克拉普西發明了這種形式,由5行。 The five lines are of two, four, six, eight, and two syllables respectively.這五條新航線是二,四,六,八,分別和兩個音節。
| Classicism 古典 Simply stated as the adherence to traditional standards that are universally valid and enduring.簡單地說,由於堅持傳統的標準,它們是普遍有效的和持久的。
| Clerihew 克萊裡休 A form of light comic verse, originated by Edmund Clerihew Bentley.阿輕喜劇的形式詩,最初由埃德蒙克萊裡休本特利。 Clerihews are two couplets in length, rhyming aabb, usually dealing with a person mentioned in the initial rhyme. Clerihews有兩個長對聯,韻律血庫,通常處理一個人說在最初的韻。 See clerihew.見克萊裡休。
| Climax 高潮 A series of words, phrases, or sentences arranged in a continuously ascending order of intensity. A系列的單詞,短語或句子排列在不斷上升秩序的力度。 When the ascending order is not maintained, an anticlimax or bathos results.當升序不能維持,一個虎頭蛇尾或突降的結果。
| Closed Couplet 封閉對聯 A couplet that is logically or grammatically complete.阿對聯是在邏輯上或語法完成。
| Close Rhyme 關閉韻 A rhyme of two close words, such as "red" "head".阿韻兩個密切詞,如“紅”“頭”。
| Closet Drama 壁櫥戲劇 A literary work written in the form of a drama, but intended by the author only for reading, not for performance in the theater.文學作品的形式寫成一出戲,但打算只由作者閱讀,而不是表現在戰場。
| Closure 封閉 The effect of finality, balance, and completeness which leaves the reader with a sense of fulfilled expectations.終局性的影響,平衡,和完整性是讓讀者有意識實現的期望。
| Common Measure, Common Meter 普通測量,普通儀表 A meter consisting chiefly of seven iambic feet arranged in rhymed pairs.一米,主要包括七個抑揚格尺安排押韻對。 A quatrian with a line of four accents followed by a line of three accents then repeated to create the four lines.阿quatrian與線4口音,隨後三線口音,然後重複創建4行。
| Companion Poem 伴侶詩 When a poem associates another, often complimenting it.當一首詩另一同夥,常常稱讚它。
| Conceit 自負 An ingenious, logically complicated image, or an elaborate metaphor.一個聰明的,邏輯複雜的圖像,或精心比喻。
| Concrete Poetry 混凝土詩 Substitues for conventional elements of a poem as metre, rhyme, stanzaic form, and even normal syntax, which forms a structurally original visual shape, preferably abstract, through the use of reduced language, fragmented letters, symbols and other typographical variations to create an extreme graphic impact on the reader's attention. Substitues常規要素一首詩作為米,韻,stanzaic形式,即使正常的語法,形成了原始的視覺結構形狀,最好是抽象的,通過減少使用的語言,支離破碎字母,符號和其他印刷變化,以製造一種極端圖形影響讀者的注意力。 Sometimes seen as shape poetry.有時被視為塑造詩歌。
| Connotation 內涵 Any meaning suggested by the sound or the look of a word, or how it is associated.所建議的任何意義的聲音或看一個詞,或者它是如何關聯的。
| Consonance 靈犀 The close repetition of the same end consonants of stressed syllables with differing vowel sounds.密切重複同樣的結束強調音節的輔音與元音不同的聲音。
| Content 內容 The substance of a poem.該物質的一首詩。
| Conventions 公約 In literature, established "codes" of basic principles and procedures for types of works that are recurrent.在文學,設立了“守則”的基本原則和程序類型的作品,是經常性。 They strongly influence writers to select content, forms, style, diction, etc.他們強烈的影響力的作家,為選擇內容,形式,風格,用詞等
| Couplet 對聯 Two lines of verse that are usually joined in rhyme and have the same metre to form a unit.兩行的首詩通常加入韻,具有相同的米,形成一個單位。
| Crambo Crambo A game in which one player gives a word or line of verse to the other players who must match it in rhyme.遊戲中玩家給出了一個詞或詩行到了其他球員誰必須符合它韻。
| Cretic Cretic A metrical foot consisting of a short syllable between two long syllables.阿格律腳組成的一兩個音節短長音節。 Usually found in ancient poetry.通常發現古代詩歌。
| Cross Rhyme 十字韻 Occurs when the syllable at the end of a line rhymes with with a word in the middle of a line before or after it.音節時發生在最後一行的押韻同一個字,中間行之前或之後。 See Welsh-Forms.見威爾士形式。
| Cycle 循環 Typically applied to epic or narrative poems about a mythical or heroic event or character.通常適用於史詩或敘事詩或一個神話英雄的事件或字符。 |
Dactyl, Dactylic 達克,長短格 A metrical foot of three syllables, the first of which is long or stressed and the next two short or unstressed.阿格律腳下三個音節,其中第一個是長或強調及未來兩年短期或無應力。
| Decameter 十米 A line of verse consiting of ten metrical feet.阿行詩格律consiting 10英尺。
| Decasyllable 十音節詩行 A verse line of ten syllables, or a poem composed with ten syllable lines.一首詩行十音節,或一首詩組成的10個音節線。
| Denotation 外延 The accepted meaning of a word as distinct from an associated idea or connotation.接受的詞義不同於關聯的想法或內涵。
| Diaeresis, Dieresis 二分法,分音符 The pronunciation of two adjacent vowels as separate sounds.在兩個相鄰的發音元音作為單獨的聲音。 Also the mark indicating a separate pronunciation.也是一個單獨的標記顯示發音。
| Diction 言語 The use or choice of words, phrases, sentence structures, and figurative language in a literary work.使用或選擇的單詞,短語,句子結構和形象化的語言文學作品。 The mode of verbal expression, with regard to clarity and accuracy.在語言表達方式,就清晰和準確。
| Didactic Verse 說教詩 Verse that is written with instructions rather than with imagination.詩是書面的指示,而不是想像。 It is clearly intended for the purpose of instruction of theoretical, moral, or practical knowledge, or to explain the principles of art and science.這顯然是旨在為目的的教學理論,道德,或實用的知識,或解釋的原則,藝術和科學。
| Diiamb, Diamb Diiamb,Diamb A metrical foot consisting of four syllables, with the first and third short and the second and fourth long.阿格律腳組成四個音節,與第一和第三短,第二和第四長。
| Dimeter 雙音步 A line of verse consisting of two metrical feet.詩歌的線組成的兩個格律英尺。 See dipody.見dipody。
| Dipody Dipody A unit of two feet, or a double foot.一個單位的兩英尺,或雙腳。
| Dirge 輓歌 A poem of grave meditation, or lament.嚴重的一首詩的冥想,或嘆息。 The dirge is a song of lamentation that is apt to be less meditative than the elegy.在哀樂是一首歌的哀悼是不太容易沉思比輓歌。 See elegy.見輓歌。
| Dispondee Dispondee A metrical foot consisting of four long syllables.阿格律英尺長組成的四音節。 This is the equivalent to a double See spondee.這是相當於雙重見揚揚格。
| Dissonance 不和諧 Harsh, inharmonious sounds which are grating to the ear.嚴酷的,不和諧的聲音是光柵的耳朵。
| Distich 對聯 Simply defined as a couplet most often used in classical elgiacs.簡單地定義為一個對聯最常用的經典elgiacs。
| Disyllable 雙音節詞 A two syllable foot, or a word of two syllables.阿兩個音節腳,或一個字的兩個音節。
| Disyllabic Rhyme 雙音節韻 A rhyme in which the two last syllables of words share the same sound.阿韻,其中最後兩個音節詞相同的聲音。
| Dithyramb Dithyramb A lyric, irregular in structure and vehement in tone, suggesting the character of the choric hymn to Dionysus.抒情,不規則的結構和強烈的語氣,暗示性的合唱曲的歌,狄俄尼索斯。
| Ditty 小曲 A poem that was meant to be sung.詩本來是做不到的。
| Dochmius Dochmius A metrical foot consisting of five syllables, the first and fourth being short and the second, third and fifth long.阿格律腳音節組成的五,第一和第四個很短,而且第二,第三和第五次長。
| Dodecasyllable Dodecasyllable A line of metrical verse containing twelve syllables.阿格律詩行含12音節。
| Doggerel 打油詩 Crudely written poetry which lacks artistry in form or meaning.粗暴寫詩歌,缺乏藝術性的形式和意義。 Trivial, poorly written verse that is sometimes intentionally, or unintentionally humourous.平凡的,寫得不好的詩,有時有意,或無意地幽默。
| Double Dactyl 雙達克 A form of light verse containing two quatrians.甲光詩的形式包含兩個quatrians。 The first three lines are dactyls, and the fourth a dactyl and macron.前三行是dactyls,第四一牙根和音符號。 The first line is nonsense, the second a proper name, and the sixth line is a single double dactyl word.第一行是無稽之談,第二個適當的名稱,第六行是一個單一的雙重牙根字。 The fourth and eighth lines are truncated, lacking the final two unaccented syllables, and rhyme with each other.第四和第八線被截斷,沒有最後兩個重音音節,並相互韻。 Foreign languages are allowable and titles as proper names is permissible.外語是允許的,標題是恰當的名稱是允許的。
| Dramatic Monologue 戲劇獨白 In literature, a work that consists of a one-way conversation by a character or persone, usually directed to a second person or to an imaginary audience.在文學,工作,由一個單向的談話中字符或佩爾索,通常定向到另一個人或一個假想的觀眾。 It involves a critical moment of a specific situation, with the speaker's words unintentionally providing a revelation of his character.它涉及到關鍵時刻的具體情況,講者的話無意中提供了一個啟示他的性格。
| Dramatic Poem 戲劇詩 A composition of verse that portrays the story of life or character, involving conflict and emotions.阿組成首詩描寫的故事,生活和性格,涉及衝突和情感。 |
Echo 迴聲 Repetition of certain sounds, syllables, words in poetry, as in echo verse.重複一些聲音,音節,詞在詩歌,如迴聲詩句。
| Echo Verse 迴聲詩 Verse in which the final words or syllables of a line or stanza are repeated as a response, often with an ironic effect.在詩的最後單詞或音節一行或重複節作為響應,經常與諷刺的效果。
| Eclogue 牧歌 A pastoral poem (relating to shepards or rural country life), usually in the form of a dialogue between shepherds.阿田園詩(有關shepards或農村鄉村生活),通常的形式之間的對話牧羊人。
| Ekphrasis Ekphrasis The art of creating poetry based on viewing art or photographs.藝術創造的詩歌藝術的基礎上觀看或拍照留念。
| Elegiac 祭文 A dactylic hexameter couplet, with the second line having only an unaccented syllable in the third and sixth feet; also, involving elegy, mourning, or expressing sorrow for the dead.阿六音步揚抑抑格對聯,與第二行有重音音節只有在第三和第六腳,還涉及輓歌,哀悼,或表示為死者哀悼。
| Elegy 輓歌 A poem or song composed especially as a lament for a deceased person composed in elegiac couplets.一首詩或歌曲組成的悲嘆,特別是作為一個死者組成的輓聯。
| Elision 省略 Omission of an unstressed vowel or syllable.遺漏或一個非重讀元音音節。
| Ellipsis 省略 The omission of a word or words necessary to complete a grammatical construction, but not necessary for understanding by the reader.遺漏了一個字或詞,完成必要的語法建築,但沒有必要為讀者理解。 The marks "..." "..."的痕跡 may indicate an omission or pause.可能表明一遺漏或暫停。
| Emphasis 重點 Special attention or effort directed toward something usually writin in italic or underlined.特別注意或努力,直接針對一些在通常writin斜體或下劃線。
| End Rhyme 尾韻 A rhyme occurring in the terminating word or syllable of one line of poetry with that of another line, as opposed to internal rhyme.阿韻發生在音節詞或終止的一行詩與該另一行,而不是內部押韻。
| End-Stopped 最終停止 Ending of a line or verse usually marked with a period, comma, or semicolon.結束或詩行,通常標有句號,逗號或分號。
| Envelope 信封 A poetic device in which a line, phrase, or stanza is repeated to enclose other material.充滿詩意的裝置,其中一條線,短語或重複節附上其他材料。
| Envoi, Envoy Envoi,特使 A short final stanza of a poem最後節簡短的一首詩
| Epic 史詩 An Epic is a long narrative poem celebrating the adventures and achievements of a hero...epics deal with the traditions, mythical or historical, of a nation.一個是一個長期的史詩敘事詩慶祝冒險和成就的英雄史詩...處理的傳統,神話和歷史,一個民族的。
examples: Beowulf, The Iliad and the Odyssey, and Aeneid例子:貝奧,伊利亞特和奧德賽和埃涅阿斯紀
| Epigram 警句 Epigrams are short satirical poems ending with either a humorous retort or a stinging punchline.警句短結尾諷刺詩或者一個幽默的反駁或刺痛妙語。
Used mainly as expressions of social criticism or political satire, the most common forms are written as a couplet: a pair of rhymed lines in the same meter.主要用於為表達對社會的批評或政治諷刺,最常見的形式寫成的對聯:一對押韻線在同一米。
| Epistrophe 黑帶 A repetition of the ends of two or more successive poetic verses.阿重複的兩端的兩個或兩個以上連續詩的詩句。
| Epitaph 墓誌銘 A brief poem inscribed on a tombstone praising a deceased person, usually with rhyming lines.簡短的詩刻在墓碑上讚揚已故的人,通常與韻律線。
| Epithalamium Epithalamium A lyrical ode or song in the honor of a bride and bridegroom.阿抒情頌歌或歌曲的榮譽了新娘和新郎。
| Epitrite Epitrite A metrical foot consisting of three long syllables and one short syllable.阿格律英尺長組成的三音節和一個短的音節。
| Epode Epode A type of lyric poem characterized by couplets in which a long verse is followed by a shorter one, or the third and last part of an ode. A型的抒情詩的特點對聯,其中長詩後跟一個較短的一個,或第三次和最後一部分的頌歌。
| Epyllion Epyllion A brief narrative work in classic poetry written in dactylic hexameter.簡短的工作,在傳統的敘事詩寫的長短格的六步。 One subject commonly included mythology laced with romance and vivid description in an elevated tone.一個主題通常包含神話與股價浪漫和生動的描述,在提升的基調。
| Eulogy 悼詞 A poem or speech written in tribute or praising usually about someone who has died.一首詩或書面講話中讚揚或表揚某個人,通常誰已經死亡。
| Euphemism 委婉 An act of substituting a mild or indirect term for one considered harsh or offensive.替代的行為輕微或間接長遠的人認為苛刻或攻擊性。
| Euphony 諧音 A pleasing sound or pronunciation of letters and syllables which is pleasing to the ear for a poetic effect.阿悅耳的聲音或發音的字母和音節是悅耳的詩意的效果。
| Extended Metaphor 擴展的隱喻 A metaphor which is drawn-out beyond the usual word or phrase to extend throughout a stanza or an entire poem, usually by using multiple comparisons between the unlike objects or ideas.隱喻是曠日持久的,超出一般的詞或短語,擴大整個一節或一個完整的詩,通常是通過使用多個不同之間的比較對象或想法。 |
Fable 寓言 A tale of verse, often using animals or inanimate objects as characters, that illistrates or teaches a moral.一個故事的詩,經常使用動物或無生命的物體的字符,illistrates或教授道德。
| Fabliau Fabliau A ribald or cynical tale in verse.阿下流或憤世嫉俗的故事在詩句。 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales contain some examples.喬叟的坎特伯雷故事集包含一些例子。
| Facetiae 滑稽 Humorous or witty writings.或詼諧幽默的作品。
| Feminine Ending 女性結束 An unstressed syllable at the end of a line.一個非重讀音節最後一行。 This is sometimes called light ending.這有時稱為輕結束。
| Feminine Rhyme 女性韻 A stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable.阿強調音節後跟一個非重讀音節。
| Fescennine Verses Fescennine經文 Poetry that is personal in nature, often lacking moral or sexual restraints.詩歌是個人性質的,往往缺乏道德或性限制。
| Figurative Language 比喻語言 Language in which the literal meaning of words have been ignored in order to imply or show a relationship between diverse things.語言中的字面意思的單詞已被忽略,以暗示或顯示不同的事物之間的關係。 See trope.見比喻。
| Figure Of Speech 比喻 A mode or expression of words used out of their original context. A模式或用文字表達出其原始背景。
| Fit or Fytte 適合或Fytte An term for the division of a poem.一個長期該部門的一首詩。 See canto, stanza.見聲,節。
| Foot 腳 A rhythmic or metrical unit; the division in verse of a group of syllables, one of which is long or accented.節奏或韻律單位,該部門在詩的一組音節,其中一個是長或口音。
| Form 表 The metrical or stanzaic organization of poetry.或stanzaic的格律詩的組織。
| Found Poem 找到詩 A poem often created from prose found in non-poetic format.往往一首詩散文中創建的非詩的格式。
| Fourteener Fourteener A fourteen syllable iambic line, or seven feet, often found in English poetry.阿14音節抑揚格線,或者7英尺,經常發現在英國詩歌。
| Free Verse 自由詩 A form that does not obey the metrical rules of versification.的形式,不服從規則的格律詩體。 The free often refers to the freedom from fixed patterns of meter and rhyme.免費的往往是指從固定的模式自由的韻律。 Often writers will employ poetic devices such as assonance, alliteration, imagery, caesura, etc.作家往往會採用詩的設備,如諧音,韻,圖像,停頓,等 |
Galliambus Galliambus A meter consisting of four iambic dipodies, the last of which is catalectic, or a line of four lesser ionic feet catalectic, varied by anaclasis.一米抑揚格組成的4 dipodies,其中最後一個是catalectic,或行較輕的離子的4英尺catalectic,不同的長短音換位。
| Georgic 喬治克 A poem containing a rural or agricultural topic.一首詩,其中載有農村和農業問題。 This differs from pastoral poetry in that the georgic is didactic.這不同於田園詩歌的田園詩的說教。
| Ghazal 加扎勒 A monorhymed Middle Eastern lyric poem.阿monorhymed中東抒情詩。 The first two lines rhyme with a corresponding rhyme in the second line of each succeeding couplet.前兩行韻韻與相應的第二行中的每一個成功的對聯。 The rhyme scheme is aa, ba, ca, da, etc.在韻律為AA,鋇,鈣,達等
| Gleeman Gleeman An old English minstrel who on occasion composed their own verse, but often recited poetry written by a scop.一個老英國游吟詩人誰有時組成自己的詩句,但經常朗誦詩歌寫的一SCOP的。
| Gnome 侏儒 An aphorism, a short statement of proverbial truth.格言,簡短聲明眾所周知的真理。 Composers of verse of this nature are known as gnomic poets.作曲家的這種性質的詩被稱為格言詩人。
| Goliardic Poetry Goliardic詩 Satiric verse usually consisting of a stanza of four 13-syllable lines in feminine rhyme, somtimes using a concluding hexameter.諷刺詩,通常包括一個13節四音節韻線的女性,somtimes使用總結六步。 The satire was characteristically a defiance of authority, mostly directed against the Church.諷刺的是特有的蔑視權威,主要是針對教會。
| Grave 墓 A mark [ ` ] indicating that the e in the English ending "ed" is to be pronounced for the sake of meter.阿馬克[`]表明該電子郵件以英文結束“教育”是將要公佈的起見,米。
Haiku 俳句 Haiku (also called nature or seasonal haiku) is an unrhymed Japanese verse consisting of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables (5, 7, 5) or 17 syllables in all.俳句(也稱為性或季節性的俳句)是無韻詩組成的日本三無韻線五,七,五音節(5,7,5)或17音節所有。 Haiku is usually written in the present tense and focuses on nature (seasons).俳句通常用現在時,側重於自然(季節)。 Other popular forms of haiku are: Tanka, Cinquain, and Senryu.其他流行的俳句形式是:短歌,五行詩,和川柳。
| Half Rhyme 半韻 A near rhyme; rhyme occurs only on the first syllable of the rhyming word, as in sad and madley.阿近韻;韻僅發生在第一個音節詞的韻律,在悲傷和馬德利。
| Hemistich Hemistich An incomplete or imperfect line of verse, usually separated rhythmically from the rest of the line by a caesura.一個不完整的或不完善的詩行,通常是分開節奏從剩下的線一停頓。
| Hendecasyllable Hendecasyllable A verse of 11 syllables.一首詩11個音節。
| Heptameter 七音步 A line of verse consisting of seven metrical feet.詩歌的線組成的7格律英尺。
| Heroic Couplet 英雄對聯 Two successive lines of rhymed poetry in iambic pentameter.兩個連續的行押韻的五音步抑揚格詩。
| Heroic Quatrain or Heroic Verse 英雄四行詩或英雄詩歌 So named because it is the form in which epic poetry of heroic exploits is generally written, its rhyme scheme is abab, composed in ten-syllable iambic verse in English, hexameter in Greek and Latin, ottava rima in Italian.如此命名是因為它是形式,史詩的英雄業績一般寫的,它的韻律是阿巴布,組成的10個音節的抑揚格詩英語,六步,在希臘文和拉丁文,ottava裡馬在意大利。
| Hexameter 六步 A line of verse consisting of six metrical feet.詩歌的線組成的6個韻律英尺。
| Homonym 同音詞 One of two or more words that have the same sound and often the same spelling but differ in meaning, such as n.其中兩個或多個詞具有相同的聲音,而且往往是相同的拼寫,但不同的含義,如n. wind (moving air) and v. wind (to wrap or entwine).風(移動空氣)和訴風(包裹或盤繞)。
| Hovering Accent 懸停口音 In scansion, a stress which is thought of as being equally distributed over two adjacent syllables, a concept proposed to cover an accent not in alignment with the expected metrical ictus.在韻律,一種壓力而被認為是平均分配在兩個相鄰的音節,一個概念,建議涵蓋口音不與預期一致格律強的松龍衝擊。
| Hymn 讚美詩 A song of praise or joy usually to God or a deity.一首歌讚美和喜悅通常是上帝或神。
| Hyperbole 誇張 A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse."阿圖的講話,誇張是用於強調或作用,如“我太餓了,我可以吃一馬。”
| Hypercatalectic 過律 Having an extra syllable or syllables at the end of a complete line of verse.有一個額外的音節或音節最後一個完整的詩行。
| Hypermetrical Hypermetrical A line which contains one or more syllables in addition to those found in a standard metrical unit or line of verse.甲線,包含一個或多個音節除了這些發現在一個單位或標準格律詩行。
Iamb or Iambus, Iambic 監委或抑揚格,抑揚格 Consisting of two syllables, a short or unaccented syllable followed by a long or accented syllable, the iamb is the most common metrical foot.由兩個音節,重音的短期或音節後跟一個長或重音音節,諮監委是最常見的格律腳。
| Ictus 強的松龍衝擊 The rhythmical or metrical stress placed on a syllable.在節奏和韻律的壓力放在一個音節。 An ictus is ussually represented by [´].發病第一個代表是ussually [']。
| Idyll, Idyl 田園詩,牧歌 A short poem containing imagery of a happy country life.載有一首小詩圖像的一個愉快的國家生活。 Another name is pastoral.另一名是牧區。
| Imagery, Image 圖像,圖像 Elements in literature used to evoke mental images of the visual sense, and somtimes of sensation and emotion as well.元素在文獻中用來喚起精神圖像的視覺感,somtimes感覺和情感,以及。
| Improvisatore Improvisatore In verse, an improviser, usually extemporaneously.在詩,一個即興,通常即興。
| Internal Rhyme 內韻 Often called middle or leonine rhyme, a rhyme occurring in mid-line.通常所謂中等或掠奪性韻,一韻中出現線。
| Ionic 離子 A metrical foot of four syllables, either two long syllables followed by two short syllables, called greater ionic, or two short syllables followed by two long syllables called lesser ionic.阿格律腳下四個音節,音節或兩條長隨後短短的兩個音節,所謂的大離子,或短短兩年之後,兩個音節長音節稱為離子較少。
Jingle 叮噹 A short catchy song used in advertisment to entice a customer to buy a product.簡短的首迷人的歌曲用於廣告,吸引顧客購買產品。
Jongleur 戎格勒 A wandering minstrel who was hired to sing compositions of the troubadours and trouvères or the Chansons De Geste.流浪游吟詩人誰被聘為唱組成的游吟詩人和trouvères或歌謠德三兄弟。
Kenning 肯寧 A figurative phrase similar to an epithet, but which involves a multi-noun replacement for a single noun.阿比喻詞組類似於一個綽號,但涉及多名詞替代單一名詞。 It was mostly used in Norse and Anglo-Saxon poetry.它主要用於北歐和盎格魯撒克遜詩歌。
| Kyrielle Kyrielle A Kyrielle is a French form of rhyming poetry written in quatrains (a stanza consisting of 4 lines), and each quatrain contains a repeating line or phrase as a refrain (usually appearing as the last line of each stanza).阿Kyrielle是法國的韻律詩的形式寫的絕句(一節,包括4線),每四行詩包含重複的行或短語作為避免(通常出現的最後一行每節)。 Each line within the poem consists of only eight syllables.在每一行詩只包含8個音節。 There is no limit to the amount of stanzas a Kyrielle may have, but three is considered the accepted minimum.沒有數量限制的敘述一Kyrielle可能有,但3個被認為是公認的最低標準。
Some popular rhyming schemes for a Kyrielle are: aabB, ccbB, ddbB, with B being the repeated line, or abaB, cbcB, dbdB.一些流行的押韻計劃的Kyrielle是:美國血庫,中加商貿,ddbB,而與B線的重複,或阿巴布,cbcB,dbdB。 Mixing up the rhyme scheme is possible for an unusual pattern of: axaZ, bxbZ, czcZ, dxdZ, etc. with Z being the repeated line.混合了韻律是可能的一個不尋常的格局:axaZ,bxbZ,czcZ,dxdZ等與Z被一再行。 The rhyme pattern is completely up to the poet.該韻模式完全由詩人。
| Kyrielle Sonnet Kyrielle十四行詩 A Kyrielle Sonnet consists of 14 lines (three rhyming quatrain stanzas and a non-rhyming couplet).阿Kyrielle十四行詩由14行(3押韻四行詩敘述和非押韻對聯)。 Just like the traditional Kyrielle poem, the Kyrielle Sonnet also has a repeating line or phrase as a refrain (usually appearing as the last line of each stanza).就像傳統的Kyrielle詩,Kyrielle十四行詩也有重複的行或短語作為避免(通常出現的最後一行每節)。 Each line within the Kyrielle Sonnet consists of only eight syllables.每行內的Kyrielle十四行詩只包含8個音節。 French poetry forms have a tendency to link back to the beginning of the poem, so common practice is to use the first and last line of the first quatrain as the ending couplet.法國詩的形式有一種傾向,鏈接回到開頭的詩,所以通常的做法是使用第一個和最後一行第一四行詩作為結束對聯。 This would also re-enforce the refrain within the poem.這也將重新執行不要在詩。 Therefore, a good rhyming scheme for a Kyrielle Sonnet would be: AabB, ccbB, ddbB, AB -or- AbaB, cbcB, dbdB, AB.因此,一個良好的韻律計劃的Kyrielle十四行詩是:美國血庫,中加商貿,ddbB,從頭-或-阿巴布,cbcB,dbdB,抗體。 |
Lai, Lay 賴萊 A lyric poem consisting of couplets of five-syllabled lines separated by single lines of two syllables.阿抒情詩對聯組成的五音節行分隔開的單線條的兩個音節。 The number of lines and stanzas was not fixed and each stanza had only two rhymes, one rhyme for the couplets and the other for the two-syllabled lines.行的數量和敘述是不是固定的,每節只有兩個韻,一韻的春聯和其他的兩個音節線。
| Lampoon 諷刺 Abusive satire in verse or prose attacking an individual.濫用諷刺詩或散文的個人攻擊。
| Leonine Verse 掠奪性詩 Verse consisting of hexameters or of hexameters and pentameters in which the final syllable rhymes with one preceding the caesura, in the middle of the line.詩組成hexameters或hexameters和pentameters,其中最後一個音節押韻前停頓,中間行。
| Light Verse 光詩 Numerous forms of verse such as clerihews, double dactyls, epigrams, limericks, nonsense poetry, occasional poetry, parodies, society verse, and verse with puns or riddles.許多形式的詩,如clerihews,雙dactyls,警句,打油詩,廢話詩歌,應景詩,模仿,社會詩,和詩的雙關語或謎語。
| Limerick 利默里克 A Limerick is a rhymed humorous, nonsense poem of five lines.阿利默里克是押韻的幽默,廢話詩五線。 Rhyming scheme of: aabba and then the syllable structure is: 9-9-6-6-9 This is the most commonly heard first line of a limerick: "There once was a man from Nantucket".押韻的計劃:aabba,然後音節結構是:9-9-6-6-9這是最常聽到的第一行一首打油詩:“從前有一個人從楠塔基特”。
| Line 線 A unit in the structure of a poem consisting of one or more metrical feet arranged as a rhythmical entity.一個單位的結構組成的一首詩的一個或多個韻律腳排成一個節奏實體。
Macron 長音符號 The horizontal mark ( ¯ ) used to indicate a stressed or long syllable in a foot of verse.馬克的水平(¯)用於指示強調音節或長期在一英尺的詩句。
| Madrigal 馬德里加爾 A short lyric or pastoral poem containing a delicate thought.簡短的抒情詩或牧區含有一種微妙的想法。 Most often it is a love lyric.最常見的是愛的歌詞。
| Malapropism Malapropism Most often used for humurous effect, malapropism is a mistaken substitution of a word for another that sounds similar.最常用的humurous效果,malapropism是一個錯誤的一個詞替換為另一個類似的聲音。
| Masculine Rhyme 男性化韻 A rhyme containing only one stressed or accented syllable.阿韻只含有一個強調或重音音節。
| Measure 測量 Often used as a synonym for metre, measure simply means foot.通常被用作同義詞米,測量僅僅意味著腳。
| Metaphor 隱喻 Used to suggest a relationship between an object or idea.使用能夠產生一個對象之間的關係或想法。
| Metre, Meter 米,儀表 A measure of rhythmic quantity organized into groups of syllables at regular intervals in a line of poetry.一項措施的節奏數量組織成音節組定期在詩行。 The unit of meter is the foot.該單位的米是腳。 Metrical lines are named for the constituent foot and for the number of feet in the line.格律線命名組成腳和腳的數目,在該行。 - monometer (1 foot)單音步(1英尺)
- dimeter (2 feet)雙音步(2英尺)
- trimeter (3 feet)三音(3英尺)
- tetrameter (4 feet)四音(4英尺)
- pentameter (5 feet)五音步(5英尺)
- hexameter (6 feet)六步(6英尺)
- heptameter (7 feet)七音步(7英尺)
- octameter (8 feet) octameter(8英尺)
| Metrical Pause 格律暫停 Used to compensate for the omission of an unstressed syllable in a foot.用於補償遺漏一個非重讀音節的腳。
| Metrics 度量 The branch of prosody concerned with meter.該分支機構的韻律關心米。
| Metrist Metrist A composer of verse.作曲家的詩句。
| Minstrel 吟遊詩人 A performer who subsisted by reciting verse and singing while playing a harp.阿誰為生的表演詩歌朗誦,唱歌,同時發揮豎琴。 Some were traveling entertainers, while others were employed by nobles.有些人旅行的藝人,而其他人受僱於貴族。
| Mixed Metaphor 混合隱喻 A suggested relationship of objects or ideas that in some respect is false.阿關係的建議或意見的對象,在某些方面是錯誤的。
| Mock-Epic or Mock-Heroic 模擬史詩或樣機英雄 A satiric literary form that treats a commonplace subject with the elevated language and heroic style of the classical epic.阿諷刺文學形式,對待司空見慣的主題與提高語言和英雄式的古典史詩。
| Modulation 調製 The harmonious use of language relating to the variations of stress and pitch.和諧的語言使用的變化有關的壓力和音調。
| Molossus 獒蝠 A metrical foot consisting of three long syllables.阿格律英尺長組成的三個音節。
| Monometer 單音步 A line of verse containing a single metrical foot or dipody.阿行詩格律包含一個腳或dipody。
| Monorhyme Monorhyme A poem where the end rhyme is the same in all lines.其中一首詩韻到底是相同的所有行。
| Monostich Monostich A poem or epigram of a single metrical line.一首詩或警句單一韻律線。
| Monosyllable 單音節 A one syllable word.阿一音節詞。
| Mora, Morae 莫拉,Morae The minimal unit of rhythmic measurement in quantitive verse, equal to the time it takes to pronounce a short syllable.最小單位的韻律詩定量測量,相當於所花費的時間短發音音節。 Two morae are equivalent to a long syllable.兩個morae就等於長音節。
| Mosaic Rhyme 馬賽克韻 The use of two or more words producing a multiple rhyme.使用兩個或多個詞產生了多重韻。 This is often used for comic effect.這通常用於喜劇效果。
| Muse 繆斯 A source of inspiration.阿的靈感來源。 Also, the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne were called the Muses.此外,九歲的女兒和宙斯神星被稱為繆斯。 Each daughter was associated with an individual art or science.每個女兒是與個人的藝術或科學。 - Calliope: Muse of epic poetry 卡利奧普:繆斯的史詩
- Clio: Muse of history 克里奧:繆斯歷史
- Erato: Muse of lyric and love poetry 埃拉托:繆斯和愛的抒情詩
- Euterpe: Muse of music, especially wind instruments 簫星:繆斯的音樂,尤其是管樂器
- Melpomene: Muse of tragedy 墨爾波墨涅:悲劇繆斯
- Polymnia: Muse of sacred poetry Polymnia:繆斯的神聖詩
- Terpsichore: Muse of dance and choral song 歌舞女神:繆斯的舞蹈和合唱歌曲
- Thalia: Muse of comedy 塔莉亞:繆斯的喜劇
- Urania: Muse of astronomy 烏拉尼亞:繆斯天文學
Near Rhyme 近韻 A rhyme of similar sounds, but are not exact.阿韻類似的聲音,但並不確切。 Also known as approximate rhyme, off rhyme, slant rhyme, half rhyme, or imperfect rhyme.也稱為近似韻,關閉韻,斜韻,半韻,或不完全韻。
| Neologism 新詞 A new word, phrase, or usage that has changed the sense of a word.一個新的單詞,短語,或使用已改變了詞義。 Often a poet will create new words to help express an idea or image in a poem.通常,詩人將創造新詞,以幫助表達想法或形象,一首詩。
| Nonsense Poetry 廢話詩 Absurd, foolish or preposterous poetry, usually written in a catchy meter with strong rhymes.荒誕,愚蠢,荒謬的詩,通常用一個引人注目的米,強烈的韻律。 See light verse.見光詩。
| Numen 精靈 A source or influence of a spiritual nature.有消息或影響的精神本質。
| Nursery Rhyme 童謠 A short childrens poem written in rhyming verse.簡短的兒童詩寫的押韻詩。
Octameter Octameter A line of verse consisting of eight metrical feet.詩歌的線組成的8格律英尺。
| Octave 八度 A stanza of eight lines.阿節八線。
| Octosyllable Octosyllable A metrical line of eight syllables, such as iambic tetrameter.阿韻律線八音節,如抑揚格四音。 A verse consisting of eight-syllable lines.一首詩組成的8個音節線。
| Ode 頌 An elaborately composed verse that is enthusiastic in tone.一個精心組成的詩句是熱情的語氣。 It often has varying iambic line lengths with no fixed system of rhyme schemes.它往往有不同的抑揚格行的長度沒有固定系統韻計劃。 It often addresses a praised person or object.它經常涉及一人或物體稱讚。
| Odeon or Odeum 國賓或音樂廳 A small roofed theater in devoted to the presentation of musical and poetic works to the public often competing for prizes.小劇場的屋頂專門的介紹和詩歌的音樂作品向公眾往往爭獎。
| Onomatopoeia 象聲詞 Words used in place of where a reader should hear sounds.詞用來代替在讀者應該聽到聲音。 Words such as pop, crackle, snap, whizz, buzz, zing, etc.文字,如流行音樂,裂紋,管理,呼嘯,動感,查懋成,等
| Open Couplet 打開對聯 The second line is a run-on and requires the first line of the next couplet to aid in the completion of its meaning.第二條生產線運行,並要求在第一線下對聯,以協助完成了它的意義。
| Ottava Rima Ottava裡瑪 A stanza of eight lines of heroic verse, with a abababcc rhyme scheme.阿節八線的英雄詩,以abababcc韻律。
| Oxymoron 矛盾修飾法 The joining of two words that seem to be contradictory (opposites), but offer a unique effect such as living deaths, freezing fires, deafening silence, and pretty ugly.在連接兩個詞,這似乎是矛盾的(對立),但提供了獨特的效果,如生活死亡,凍結火災,震耳欲聾的沉默,和漂亮的醜陋。 |
Paean 讚歌 A hymn of praise, or joy.讚美詩讚美,或喜悅。
| Paeon Paeon A metrical foot consisting of four syllables, one long and three short.阿格律腳組成四個音節,一個長三短。 Depending on the position of the long syllable, the paeon can be varied in four ways.根據不同的位置長音節的paeon可以在四個不同的方式。 The foot can be called a primus, secundus, tertius or quartus paeon.足可以稱得上是資深的,坤杜斯,特爾蒂烏斯或的Quartus paeon。
| Pantoum Pantoum The pantoum consists of a series of quatrains rhyming ABAB in which the second and fourth lines of a quatrain recur as the first and third lines in the succeeding quatrain; each quatrain introduces a new second rhyme as BCBC, CDCD.在pantoum包括一系列的絕句押韻ABAB式,其中第二和第四行的四行詩發生的第一和第三行,在隨後的四行詩,每首四行詩引入了一個新的第二韻為BCBC,CDCD。 The first line of the series recurs as the last line of the closing quatrain, and third line of the poem recurs as the second line of the closing quatrain, rhyming ZAZA.第一行系列的復發作為最後一行的最後四行詩,第三行詩復發的第二行的最後四行詩,押韻紮紮。
| Parody 模仿秀 A ludicrous imitation, used for comic effect or ridicule, of the style and content of another work.一件可笑的模仿,用漫畫的影響或嘲笑,在風格和內容的另一工作。
| Paronomasia 俏皮話 A play on words in which the same word is used in different senses.阿玩文字遊戲,其中使用同一個詞在不同的意義。
| Paronym 同源詞 A word comming from or in relation to another word.來自一個詞或與另一個詞。
| Pasquinade 謗書 A lampoon or satirical writing.阿諷刺或諷刺小說。
| Pastoral Poetry 田園詩 Poetry written about the lives of shepherds and country folk.詩寫了生活的牧羊人和鄉下人。 This term has loosely come to include any poems with a rural aspect這個詞已經鬆散到包括任何詩與農村方面
| Pastourelle Pastourelle Pastoral poetry associated with French writers of the 12th and 13th centuries.田園詩與法國作家第12和13世紀。
| Pattern Poetry 圖案詩 Poetry written with words, letters, and lines to produce a visual image to help convey the idea or topic of the poem.詩歌的書面文字,字母和線條產生了視覺形象,傳達思想或主題的詩。 See concrete poetry, shape poetry , or visual poetry.看到具體的詩, 詩的形狀,或視覺詩。
| Pause 暫停 Intervals between syllables of verse.音節之間的間隔時間的詩句。
| Pentameter 五音步 A line of verse consisting of five metrical feet.詩歌的線組成的5個韻律英尺。
| Perfect Rhyme 完美韻 Words that are identical in sound to the stressed syllable and consonants that follow.單詞的聲音是一致的強調和輔音音節後面。 This is also called true rhyme and exact rhyme.這也被稱為真實,準確韻韻。
| Periphrasis 迂迴 The substitution of an elaborate phrase for a simple word or expression.替代的精心詞組一個簡單的詞或表達式。
| Persona 假面 In literature, the person doing the talking.在文學,做的人說話。 Most often in narration, persona is the "I".最經常的敘事,角色是“我”。
| Personification 人格化 A form of metaphor where an inanimate object, animal, or idea is given human-like characteristics such as "Night swallowed the sun's last ray of light"比喻的一種形式在一個沒有生命的物體,動物或人的想法是給予類似特點,如“夜吞噬了太陽的最後一絲光明”
| Petrarchan Sonnet 彼特拉克十四行詩 An Italian sonnet form, an octave with a rhyme scheme of abbaabba and a sestet rhyming variously.一位意大利十四行詩的形式,一個八度與韻律的abbaabba和sestet押韻不等的水平。 The sestet usually rhymes cdecde or cdccdc.通常的sestet押韻cdecde或cdccdc。 The octave introduces the problem, while the sestet provides the resolution.八度介紹了問題,而sestet規定的決議。
| Play On Words 玩文字 See pun.見雙關語。
| Poem 詩 Written expression of emotion or ideas in an arrangement of words/verse, most often rhythmically.書面表達情感或思想在安排文字/詩,最常見的節奏。
| Poesy or Poesie 詩歌或詩 The art of writing poems.在藝術寫詩。 A poem or a group of poems.一首詩或一組詩歌。
| Poet 詩人 A person who works with words and uses them to discover and explore both the inner and outer world.一個人誰可與文字和使用它們來發現和探索雙方內部和外部世界。 A poet finds the quality hidden in experiences, great or trivial, terrible or wonderful, and tries to re-create and extend them onto paper, thus finding a greater understanding of them.詩人找到隱藏在經驗的質量,偉大的或瑣碎的,可怕的或精彩,並試圖重新創建,並把它們在紙上,從而找到一個更好地了解他們。 Poems are a bridge between the world and poet in which the reader will walk to gain a wider or deeper view of what the poet sees.詩是世界之間的橋樑和詩人中,讀者將獲得步行或更深層次的理解更廣泛的詩人看到什麼。
| Poetaster Poetaster A trivial, or unskilled versifier.微不足道的,或非技術versifier。
| Poetic 詩 Having the qualities associated with the art of poetry, and the capacities of those who practice it.具有素質與詩歌的藝術和能力,這些誰實踐。
| Poeticule Poeticule A dabbler in poetry, or a poetaster.阿半瓶醋在詩歌,或poetaster。
| Poet Laureate 桂冠詩人 A poet honored for his/her artistic achievement.詩人榮幸,他/她的藝術成就。
| Poets' Corner 詩人之角 A portion of the South Transept of Westminster Abbey which contains the remains of many famous literary figures, and also displays memorials to others who are buried elsewhere.阿部分南方耳堂的威斯敏斯特大教堂其中載有許多著名的遺體文學人物,也顯示對他人的奏摺是誰埋在其他地方。
| Polyphonic Prose 旋散文 A type of free verse using alliteration and assonance, but often it looks like prose. A型的自由詩用韻和諧音,但往往看起來散文。
| Polyrhythmic Verse Polyrhythmic詩 A type of free verse characterized by a variety of rhythms, often non-integrated or contrasting. A型自由詩體的特點是不同的節奏,往往非集成或對比。
| Polysyllable 多音節詞 A word consisting of three or more syllables.一個字組成的三個或更多的音節。
| Portmanteau 旅行皮箱 A word created or made from parts of other words.一個詞創建或製成部分換句話說。 Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky combines lithe and slimy into slithy, and the word smog, from smoke and fog.劉易斯卡羅爾的Jabberwocky結合輕盈和泥濘到slithy,和單詞煙霧,煙霧和大霧。
| Poulter's Measure 保爾特的措施 A meter consisting of alternating twelve-syllable and fourteen-syllable lines.一米交替組成的12個音節和14個音節的線。
| Proceleusmatic Proceleusmatic A metrical foot consisting of four short syllables.阿韻律組成的四足短音節。
| Procephalic Procephalic Having an excess of one syllable in the first foot of a line of verse.擁有過剩的一個音節首腳下的詩行。
| Prose 散文 Ordinary or plain everyday language used in speech or writing with no patterns or rhymes.普通或簡單的日常用語用言語或文字表達,沒有圖案或兒歌。
| Prosody 韻律 The systematic study of poetic meter.系統地研究詩意米。
| Prothalamium or Prothalamion Prothalamium或Prothalamion A song or poem in honor of a bride and bridegroom before their wedding.一首歌曲或詩歌榮譽的新娘和新郎婚禮前。
| Pun 潘 A play on words that sound similar for a humorous effect.阿發揮發音相近的幽默效果。
| Pyrrhic 皮洛士 A metrical foot consisting of two short or unaccented syllables.阿格律腳由兩個短期或重音音節。 |
Quantitive Verse 定量詩 Verse which, rather than on the syllabic count or accent, is based on time, or a systematic succession of long and short syllables.詩的,而不是音節數或口音,是基於時間,或系統繼承長短音節。 The unit of measure in quantitive verse is the mora.該單位的定量測量詩是莫拉。 See metre.見米。
| Quatorzain Quatorzain A fourteen line poem, or sonnet.阿14行詩中,或十四行詩。
| Quatrain 四行詩 A four line stanza, strict in tetrameter, varied often by substitution, and rhymed abab. See example.見的例子。
| Quintet or Quintain 五重奏或布萊 A five line stanza.阿五線節。 |
Refrain 副歌 A repeated verse within a poem or song pertaining to a central topic.阿內重複詩歌或歌曲一首詩有關的一個重要議題。
| Rhapsody 狂想曲 The recitation of a short epic poem.在背誦的短史詩。
| Rhetoric 修辭 The skill in the eloquent use of language.該技術在雄辯地使用語言。
| Rhetorical Question 修辭問題 A question asked for effect, but not demanding an answer.問一個問題的影響,但並非要求一個答案。
| Rhyme 韻 A recurrence of similar ending sounds at the ends of a poetic line/verse such as 'run' and 'sun', or 'night' and 'light'.阿發生類似的聲音結束在兩端一詩行/詩如'經營'和'太陽',或'夜'和'輕'。
| Rhyme Royal 皇家韻 A stanza of seven lines or a five-foot iambic verse, rhyming ababbcc.阿節7線或一個五英尺的抑揚格詩,押韻ababbcc。
| Rhyme Scheme 韻律 A pattern established by the arrangement of rhymes in a line or stanza.一個模式設立的安排,押韻的行或節。
| Rhymester 宇多丸 An inferior poet.劣勢詩人。
| Rhythm 節奏 The the rise and fall of stress (stressed and unstressed syllables); a metrical pattern or flow of sound in verse.的上升和下降的壓力(特別強調,非重讀音節); 1格律或流出健全的詩句。
| Rondeau 龍多 A fixed form consisting of fifteen octo- or decasyllabic lines in three stanzas, with only two rhymes used throughout.固定形式組成的15章魚或decasyllabic線三個段落中,只有兩個押韻通篇使用。
| Rondel 龍德爾 A variation of the rondeau in which the first two lines of the first stanza are repeated as the last two lines of the second and third stanzas.阿變化的龍多,其中前兩行第一節重複的最後兩行的第二和第三個段落中。 The rhyme scheme is abba abab abbaab.該韻計劃阿巴阿巴布abbaab。
| Rondelet 龍德萊 A short variation of the rondeau consisting of one 7-line stanza with two rhymes.簡短變化的迴旋曲組成一個7行兩節押韻。 The first line has four syllables and is repeated as a refrain forming the third and seventh lines.第一行有四個音節,是作為一個避免重複形成了第三和第七條。 All other lines have eight syllables each.所有其他線路有8每個音節。
| Rune 符文 A Finnish or Old Norse poem.一名芬蘭或古諾爾斯詩。
| Run-On Lines 運行線路上 Lines in which the thought continues into the next line.在該行認為將持續到下一行。 The opposite of end-stopped.與此相反的結束停止。 |
Sapphic Verse 薩福詩詩 After the odes of the Greek lyric poet, Sappho, a verse of eleven syllables in five feet, of which the first, fourth and fifth are trochees, the second a spondee, and the third a dactyl.詩經後,希臘抒情詩人薩福,一首詩11個音節五英尺,其中第一,第四和第五的trochees,第二個揚揚格,而三分之一的牙根。 The Sapphic strophe consists of three Sapphic verses followed by an Adonic.該薩福詩strophe由三個薩福詩詩後跟一個Adonic。
| Scan 掃描 To mark off lines of poetry into rhythmic units, or feet, to provide a visual representation of their metrical structure.為了紀念關閉行詩成節奏單位,或腳,以提供可視化表示的韻律結構。
| Scansion 韻律 The analysis of verse into metrical patterns.在分析到格律詩的模式。
| Senryu 千柳 Senryu (also called human haiku) is an unrhymed Japanese verse consisting of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables (5, 7, 5) or 17 syllables in all.川柳(也稱為人類俳句)是無韻詩組成的日本三無韻線五,七,五音節(5,7,5)或17音節所有。 Senryu is usually written in the present tense and only references to some aspect of human nature or emotions.川柳通常用現在時,只提到一些方面的人性和情感。 They possess no references to the natural world and thus stand out from nature/seasonal haiku.他們有沒有提到的自然世界,並由此從自然中脫穎而出/季節性俳句。 See example.見的例子。
| Septenarius Septenarius A Latin verse used only in comedy and consisting of seven feet.
| A stanza of seven lines 阿節七線 definition can go in this space along with some br tags and stuff.定義可以在這個空間以及一些商業登記標籤和材料。
| Serenade 映月樓 Music sung (a lover's song) or performed in the open air at nights.音樂星(1情人的歌曲),或在露天進行空氣晚。
| Serpentine Verses 蛇紋石經文 Verses ending with the same word with which they begin.詩篇結尾的同一個詞與他們開始。
| Sestet Sestet A poem or stanza containing six lines.一首詩或節載有六行。
| Sestina 瑟斯特尼 The sestina is a strict ordered form of poetry, dating back to twelfth century French troubadours.該瑟斯特尼是嚴格有序的詩歌形式,可以追溯到12世紀法國的游吟詩人。 It consists of six six-line (sestets) stanzas followed by a three-line envoy.它由六個六行(sestets)敘述之後,三線特使。 Rather than use a rhyme scheme, the six ending words of the first stanza are repeated as the ending words of the other five stanzas in a set pattern.而不是使用韻計劃,截至6字的第一個節是重複的話作為結束的其他5個段落中的一套模式。 The envoy uses two of the ending words per line, again in a set pattern.這位特使使用兩種終了每行字,又在一組模式。 See example.見的例子。
First stanza ,1- 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 第一節 ,1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 Second stanza , 6 - 1 - 5 - 2 - 4 - 3 二節 ,6 - 1 - 5 - 2 - 4 - 3 Third stanza , 3 - 6 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 5 三節 ,3 - 6 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 5 Fourth stanza , 5 - 3 - 2 - 6 - 1 - 4 第四節 ,5 - 3 - 2 - 6 - 1 - 4 Fifth stanza , 4 - 5 - 1 - 3 - 6 - 2 第五節 ,4 - 5 - 1 - 3 - 6 - 2 Sixth stanza , 2 - 4 - 6 - 5 - 3 - 1 第六節 ,2 - 4 - 6 - 5 - 3 - 1 Concluding tercet : 結論tercet: middle of first line - 2, end of first line - 5中的第一行- 2,結束第一線- 5 middle of second line - 4, end of second line - 3中間第二行- 4,結束第二行- 3 middle if third line - 6, end of third line - 1如果第三行中間- 6月底的第三行- 1
| Sight Rhyme 視覺韻 A rhyme consisting of words with similar spellings but different sounds.阿韻字組成的類似條目的,但不同的聲音。 Also called eye rhyme也稱為眼韻
| Sijo 四條 A short Korean poetry form consisting of three lines, each line having a total of 14-16 syllables in four groups ranging from 2 to 7 (but usually 3 or 4) syllables, with a natural pause at the end of the second group and a major pause after the fourth group.簡短的韓國詩的形式組成的三條線,每行有一個音節共14-16 4組範圍從2到7(但通常3或4)音節,與自然暫停結束第二組和主要暫停後第四組。 The third line often introduces a resolution, a touch of humor, or a turn of thought.第三行往往推出了一項決議,觸摸幽默,或把思想。 Nature is often the subject matter of these poems like traditional haiku.自然往往是這些題材像傳統的俳句詩。
| Simile 比喻 A comparison between two unlike things using like or as, etc. such as "Your eyes are like sparkling diamonds".阿的比較兩個不同事物或使用像等,如“你的眼睛像閃閃發光的鑽石”。
| Skeltonics Skeltonics Named for their creater, John Skelton, short verses of irregular meter with two or three stresses, sometimes in falling and sometimes in rising rhythm, and usually with rhymed couplets.命名為他們creater,約翰斯凱爾頓,短經文不規則米有兩個或三講,有時下降,有時在上升的節奏,通常押韻對聯。
| Soliloquy 獨白 A dramatic or literary form of discourse of a person speaking to himself without addressing a listener.甲戲劇或文學形式的話語說一個人對自己沒有處理一個偵聽器。
| Song 宋 A Song is an expression of a poet's personal emotions, meant to be sung.阿宋是表達詩人的個人感情,這意味著要唱。 Lyrics in a song contain verses (lines that make up a song; sung poem) and a chorus (a repeating verse in a song (refrain).一首歌歌詞中包含經文(系構成一首歌,唱詩歌)和一個合唱團(重複的詩句,在一首歌(不要)。
| Sonnet 十四行詩 A Sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines (iambic pentameter) with a particular rhyming scheme: abab cdcd efef gg , abba cddc effe gg , or abba abba cdcd cd .十四行詩是一首詩組成的14線(五音步抑揚格)與特定的韻律計劃: 阿巴布cdcd efef千兆克 , 阿巴cddc effe千兆克 ,或阿巴阿巴cdcd光盤 。 English ("Shakespearean") sonnets have 10 syllable lines, Italian ("Petrarchan") sonnets have 11 syllable lines, and French sonnets have 12 syllable lines.英語(“莎士比亞”)十四行詩有10個音節線,意大利(“意大利式”)十四行詩有11音節線,和法國十四行詩有12個音節線。 See example.見的例子。
| Sonneteer 十四行詩 A composer of sonnets or an inferior poet.作曲家的十四行詩或低劣的詩人。
| Spenserian Stanza 斯賓塞節 A stanza consisting of eight lines of iambic pentameter and a final alexandrine, rhymed ababbcbcc , first used by Edmund Spenser in The Faerie Queene.阿節組成8行五音步抑揚格和最後亞歷山大,押韻ababbcbcc,首次由斯賓塞在仙後。
| Spondee, Spondaic 揚揚格,揚揚格 A metrical foot consisting of two long or stressed syllables.阿格律腳由兩個長或強調音節。
| Stanza, Stanzaic 節,Stanzaic One of the divisions of a poem, composed of two or more lines of verse usually characterized by a common pattern of meter, rhyme, or number of lines.其中一個部門的一首詩,由兩個或多個行詩一般的特點是共同的格局米,韻,或數行。
| Stanza Forms 節形式 Names describing the number of lines is an stanzaic unit, (2) couplet, (3) tercet, (4) quatrain, (5) quintet (6) sestet, (7) septet, (8) octave名稱描述線的數目是一個stanzaic單位,(2)對聯,(3)tercet,(4)四行詩,(5)五重奏(6)sestet,(7)七重奏,(8)八度
| Stave 木板 A set of verses; a stanza; a portion of a poem.一組詩句,一節,一部份一首詩。
| Stich 施蒂希 A line or verse of poetry.甲線或詩詩。
| Stress 應力 Importance, significance, or emphasis placed on a word or syllables within a line of poetry.的重要性,意義,或重點放在單詞或音節在行詩。
| Strophe Strophe The first of a pair of stanzas of alternating form on which the structure of a given poem is based.的第一個對敘述形式的交替結構上某一首詩的基礎。
| Style 風格 The poet's individual creative process, through figurative language, sounds, and rhythmic patterns.詩人的個人創作的過程中,通過形象化的語言,聲音和節奏模式。
| Syllabic Verse 音節詩 A type of verse distinguished by the syllable count. A型的詩傑出的音節數。
| Syllable 音節 A unit of spoken language consisting of a single impulse of the voice formed by a vowel, diphthong, or syllabic consonant alone.一個單位的口語包括一個單脈衝的聲音由一個元音,雙元音,輔音單獨或音節。
| Symbol 符號 An image or icon that represents something else by association.圖像或圖標,表示別的東西的關聯。
| Symbolism 象徵 A common writing practice of representing things by means of symbols or symbolic meaning.共同的創作實踐所代表的東西是指符號或象徵意義。
| Synaeresis or Syneresis Synaeresis或脫水收縮 The drawing together into one syllable of two consecutive vowels or syllables.繪畫融合成一個音節,即連續兩個元音或音節。
| Synaloepha or Synalepha Synaloepha或Synalepha Blending of a vowel at the end of one word is coalesced with one beginning the next word, especially to fit a poetic meter; for example, th'eight men instead of the eight men.混合的元音最後一個字是合流一開始的下一個單詞,特別是適合一個充滿詩意米,例如,th'eight男人而不是8名。
| Syncope 暈厥 The shortening of a word by omission of a sound, letter, or syllable from the middle of the word; for example, ne'er for never.在縮短一個詞不作為健全,信函,或從中間音節詞,例如,遊手好閒的沒有。
| Synonym 別名 A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word.一個字相同或幾乎相同的另一個詞的含義。
| Syntax 語法 Rules in which words or other elements of sentence structure are arranged to form grammatical sentences.規則中文字或其他內容的句子結構安排的形式語法的句子。
Tail Rhyme 尾韻 Also called caudate rhyme, a verse form in which rhyming lines, usually a couplet or triplet, are followed by a tail, a line of shorter length with a different rhyme; in a tail-rhyme stanza, the tails rhyme with each other.也稱為尾押韻,一首詩形式,韻律線,通常是對聯或三元,之後是一條尾巴,一條線較短的長度不同的韻律,在一尾韻節的尾韻與對方。
| Tanka 短歌 Tanka is a classic form of Japanese poetry related to the haiku with five unrhymed lines of five, seven, five, seven, and seven syllables. (5, 7, 5, 7, 7) .短歌是日本古典詩歌的形式有關的俳句五無韻線五,七,五,七,七音節。(5,7,5,7,7)。 See example.見的例子。
| Tenson or Tenzon Tenson或Tenzon A medieval competition in verse on the subject of love or gallantry before a tribunal between rival troubadours (12th & 13th-century lyric poets).中世紀的競爭詩關於這一問題的愛或英勇法庭前敵對游吟詩人(第12和13世紀的抒情詩人)。
| Tercet Tercet A group of three lines of verse, often rhyming together or with another triplet. A組的3行詩,往往押韻共同或與另一三聯。 (Also see triplet) (另見三重)
| Terza Rima 泰爾扎裡瑪 A verse form Italian origin consisting of tercets of 10 or 11 syllables tercets, usually in iambic pentameter in English poetry, with a chain or interlocking rhyme scheme, as: aba, bcb, cdc, etc. The pattern concludes with a separate line added at the end of the poem (or each part) rhyming with the second line of the preceding tercet or with a rhyming couplet.意大利一首詩的形式組成的tercets來源的10或11音節tercets,通常在五音步抑揚格在英語詩歌,用鎖鏈或互韻律,如:脫落酸,bcb,疾病預防控制中心等模式的最後,加在分隔線最後這首詩(或每個部分)韻律與第二行前面的tercet或與押韻對聯。
| Tetrameter 四音 A line of verse consisting of four metrical feet.詩歌的線組成的四個格律英尺。
| Theme 主題 The central idea, topic, or subject of artistic representation.其中心思想,主題,或主題的藝術表現。
| Thesis 論文 The unaccented or short part of a metrical foot, especially in accentual verse.或短期的重音的一部分格律腳下,尤其是在重音詩。
| Tone 音 The poet's attitude or expression toward the subject.詩人的態度或表達對這個問題的。 Tone can also refer to the overall mood of the poem itself, in the sense to influence the readers' emotional response.聲調也可以參考的整體情緒的詩本身,在這個意義上影響讀者的情緒反應。
| Tragedy 悲劇 A medieval narrative poem or tale typically describing the downfall of a great person; a drama most often written in verse and climaxing in death or disaster.中世紀的敘事詩或故事通常描述垮台的一個偉大的人,一個戲劇最常見的寫詩歌和高潮死亡或災難。
| Tribrach 基座 A metrical foot having three short or unstressed syllables.阿格律足有3個短或無應力音節。
| Trimeter 三音 A line of verse consisting of three metrical feet詩歌的線組成的3格律英尺
| Triolet 特里奧萊 A poem or stanza of eight lines with a rhyme scheme ABaAabAB , in which the fourth and seventh lines are the same as the first, and the eighth line is the same as the second.一首詩或8節線的韻律ABaAabAB,其中第四和第七行是一樣的第一,和第八行是一樣的第二位。
| Triple Rhyme 三韻 A rhyme involving three syllables in which the words have the same sound, as in sanity and vanity.阿韻涉及三音節詞,其中有相同的聲音,在理智和虛榮。
| Triplet 三聯 A group of three lines of verse. A組的3行詩。
| Trisyllable Trisyllable A three-syllable word such as humanity or glorious.甲三音節詞,如人類和光榮。
| Trochee, Trochaic 揚抑格,揚抑格 A metrical foot consisting of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable.阿格律腳包括一個重讀音節後跟一個非重讀音節。
| Trope 比喻 A figure of speech using words in nonliteral ways, such as a metaphor (irony).阿修辭用字的非字面的方法,如比喻(諷刺)。
| Troubadour 游吟詩人 One of a class of 12th-century and 13th-century lyric poets in Southern France, northern Italy, and northern Spain, often of knightly rank, who composed songs about courtly love.一類是12世紀和13世紀的抒情詩人在法國南部,意大利北部和西班牙北部,往往是騎士級,作曲,誰對宮廷愛情。
| Trouvere Trouvere One of a class of poet-musicians flourishing in northern France in the 12th and 13th centuries, who composed chiefly narrative works, such as the chansons de geste, in langue d'oïl.其中一類的詩人,音樂家蓬勃發展在法國北部的第12和13世紀,誰為主組成的敘事作品,如歌謠德熱斯泰,在langue科特迪瓦石油。 |
Verse 詩 A line of poetry that contains formal structure.阿行詩,包含正式結構。 It is also used as a synonym for stanza.它也可以用來作為同義詞節。
| Verse Paragraph 詩第 A grouping of lines in poetry that form a rhetorical unit similar to a prose paragraph.分組的行詩,形成了修辭單位類似散文段落。 The lines do not need to be formally arranged in a stanza or strophe.該行並不需要得到正式安排在一個節或strophe。
| Verset Verset A term mostly used to describe a short verse found in a sacred book.一個術語主要用於描述一個簡短的詩句中,在一個神聖的書。
| Versicle 短詩 A small verse spoken or sung by a public leader of worship, or as a responce from the people.小詩講唱的一個公共領袖崇拜,或作為人民的反應。
| Versification 詩韻 In regard to metre and rythm, versification is the art of writing verses.關於米和節奏,韻律是詩歌寫作的藝術。
| Versifier Versifier The writer of light or inferior verses.筆者輕或下詩句。
| Villanelle Villanelle Consits of nineteen lines on two rhymes in six stanzas. Consits的19線的兩個諧音6敘述。 The first and third lines of the opening tercet recurring alternately at the end of the other tercets, with both repeated at the end of the closing quatrain in the last couplet.第一個和第三行開幕tercet定期輪流在結束其他tercets,既有多次在年底的最後四行詩在過去的對聯。 See example.見的例子。
| Virelay Virelay Seldom used in English, virelay is a French form composed of stanzas of long lines rhyming with each other while short lines rhyme with one another.很少使用英語,virelay是法國的形式組成的敘述長行韻律與對方,而短線韻彼此。 The short lines of each stanza provide the rhyme for the long lines of the next stanza, except for the last stanza.在短線各節提供了韻為長長的下一個節,除了最後節。 In the last stanza, the short lines take their rhymes from the short lines of the first, so that every two lines rhyme.在過去的節,是短線帶著韻律從短線第一,所以每兩行押韻。 The poem may be any length, but its pattern can be a structure of four quatrians.這首詩可以是任何長度,但其模式可以是一個結構四個quatrians。 The first and third lines being long, and the second and fourth being short. abab, bcbc, cdcd, dada第一個和第三行是長,第二和第四個子很矮。 阿巴布,bcbc,cdcd,達達
| Visual Poetry 視覺詩 Poetry that has been arranged in such a way that the appearence elavates the signifigance of the poem.詩歌已安排這樣一種方式的外觀elavates的signifigance詩。 |
Well-Versed 很純熟 A state of being familiar with poetics contained in this glossary.一個國家被熟悉的詩學包含在此表。
| Welsh-Forms 威爾士形式 Stanzas that use the syllabic line.韻,使用音節線。 Unlike the English syllabic verse, Welsh-forms are governed by rules concerning the relationship between cesura and accent, and employ rhyme schemes subtler and richer than those in which we are familiar.不同的是英語音節詩,威爾士的形式,受有關規則之間的關係切蘇拉和口音,並僱用韻計劃微妙和更豐富的比我們所熟悉的。
| Whimsy or Whimsey 怪念頭或怪念頭 A fantastic or fanciful creation of writing or art.這一出色的或幻想的創造文字或藝術。
| Wordsmith 文筆犀利 A skillful writer who works with words.一個熟練的作家誰的作品文字。
| Wrenched Accent 扳口音 The forced change in the normal accent of a syllable or syllables to make a word conform to the prevailing metrical patern.強迫改變正常口音的音節或音節詞作出符合當前的格律百通。 |
Zeugma 澤烏瑪 A figure of speech in which a single word is used in the same grammatical and semantic relationship with two or more other words, usually a verb or adjective.阿圖的講話,一個單詞中使用相同的語法和語義關係與兩個或兩個以上,換句話說,通常是動詞或形容詞。 |
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